Enhanced Quality of Life with Custom Orthotics

Durrett’s Orthotics & Prosthetics • Dec 12, 2022

How well you function and move physically through the world is significantly impacted by your feet. Even the simplest locomotion involves a complex network of bones, muscles, joints, and tendons working together. If you’ve never thought about this, everything is likely in working order. When something is amiss, however, you’ll probably begin to feel pain. This is where the professionals at Durrett’s Orthotics & Prosthetics come in. We’ll help fit you with the proper orthosis to lessen your discomfort and enhance your quality of life.

A person being fitted for orthotic device near Edgewood, Kentucky (KY) and Lawrenceburg, Indiana (IN)

Where to Start When Foot Pain Strikes

Foot pain tends to strike in the morning and continue throughout the day. It can make your workday seem longer, cause unusual fatigue, and make it difficult for you to perform simple exercises like standing, walking, or jogging. There are several ways to approach chronic pain in your feet, heels, or ankles, with orthotic devices being one of them.

Anytime you are standing or walking, your feet and ankles bear your weight, and there is no way around this. Here’a little science lesson: gravity sends forces downward and that compounds the amount of weight on your feet. Every pound of weight causes about four pounds of pressure to be spread across the area of your feet. This pressure is present with every step we take, but our feet are made to handle these forces unless there is a problem within the structure of your foot.

What Causes Foot Pain?

Physical problems such as flat feet or high arches can alter the distribution of weight across your feet. This shift can lead to excess strain on certain spots that are not meant to bear such a burden for extended periods. Abnormalities in the structure of feet also affect the way we walk, which in turn further disrupts weight distribution in the lower extremities. This uneven distribution can cause chronic discomfort and fatigue. It also increases your risk of sports injuries over time. The more weight that is applied to the improper areas, the greater the risk.

An ideal foot structure is incredibly precise, and this is why custom orthotics are made to fit within very specific parameters. The materials used, their amount, and their placement depend on the individual problems being experienced. You can think of orthotics in the same way you do prescription lenses for eyes - no two are ever exactly alike.

Orthotics are often recommended to be used on their own, but we may also suggest one or more of the following:

  • A change in your daily footwear. Ladies, though they may look nice, high heels are never a good idea for your feet.
  • Adjustments to your usual exercise routine and work environment. You may need to perform more seated activities for a time while your foot regains strength.
  • Simple stretches intended to strengthen problematic areas of your foot.

What can orthotics do for you?

Yes, they can provide significant relief from foot pain, but the right orthotics can do so much more. We mentioned the consequences of chronic foot pain, including irritability and less energy. Relief from this discomfort can open avenues for you to regain more enjoyment from life. If pain has been preventing you from running, for example, successful treatment will allow you to resume this activity. Increased movement improves your overall health which lessens your risk of future illness and injury.

Contact Us

If you are experiencing new or chronic foot pain, give us a call. We offer a full range of prosthetic and orthosis services in a state-of-the-art facility. We have locations in Edgewood, KY, and Lawrenceburg, IN, and serve the surrounding areas.

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